Day 11
Genesis 21–22 | Mark 4:10–41 | Proverbs 1
“As the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore…” (Genesis 22:17 NKJV)
As a corporate communications executive, I spend my days crafting stories—shaping narratives that inspire, compel, and move people to action. Stories have power. They stir emotions, change perspectives, and drive decisions. But no storyteller, no matter how skilled, can rival the way God tells His story.
Genesis 22:17 is a masterclass in divine storytelling. God could have simply told Abraham, “I will make your descendants numerous.” But instead, He paints a picture—stars in the sky, sand on the shore—giving Abraham something tangible to hold onto in his waiting. It wasn’t just information. It was imagery that carried the weight of promise.
Jesus, too, was a storyteller unlike any other. In Mark 4, He speaks in parables—not just to make truth accessible, but to reveal it to those with ears to hear and conceal it from those who reject it. His stories weren’t just engaging; they were invitations to see the world through the lens of the kingdom of God. The disciples struggled to understand, but Jesus patiently explained, drawing them deeper.
And then there’s Proverbs 1. Solomon personifies Wisdom, calling out in the streets—an invitation to embrace truth and a warning of the consequences of ignoring it. Over and over, God speaks through story, guiding, teaching, and drawing us to Himself.
But here’s what convicts me: Am I listening? Am I paying attention to the stories God is telling—not just in Scripture, but in my own life? Or am I too preoccupied trying to control my own narrative? Even in my job, where I craft messages with precision, I have to remember that God is the true Author, weaving a story far greater than anything I could script for myself.
Lord, You are the Master Storyteller. Your Word reveals truth that transforms. Help me to listen, to learn, and to surrender my own story to Yours. Shape my life into a testimony that points others to Your faithfulness and grace. Amen.
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