Faith Without a Map

Day 6

Genesis 11–12 | Mark 1:1–20

“Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.’” (Genesis 12:1)
“And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’ And immediately they left their nets and followed him.” (Mark 1:17–18)

No map. No timeline. No details. Just a promise.

In Genesis 12, God calls Abram to leave everything familiar. He doesn’t tell Abram where he’s going—just that He will show him. In Mark 1, Jesus calls Simon and Andrew to follow Him, leaving behind their nets, their security, their livelihood. In both stories, faith isn’t just belief—it’s stepping forward when the future is unclear.

I remember feeling that tension 19 years ago when I married Talacey. Standing at the altar, I knew we were stepping into something beautiful—but also into the unknown. I was 22, making $18,000 a year, with no certainty of how we’d build a life together. I had no blueprint for what the next five, ten, or twenty years would look like. And honestly? That terrified me.

Yet here’s what I’ve learned since then: God never gives us the full map—He gives us Himself.

Abram didn’t know the destination, but he knew the One leading him. The disciples didn’t have a strategy for what following Jesus would mean, but they trusted the One calling them. And in marriage, in career, in life, that’s what faith has looked like for me too.

Looking back, I see how God met us in every uncertainty. He provided. He sustained. He was faithful when the path ahead was foggy. And that’s the point—faith isn’t about knowing where you’re going. It’s about knowing who you’re following.

What is God calling you to step into today? Maybe you don’t have all the answers. Maybe fear is holding you back. But if He is calling, you can trust this: He will not fail you.

Lord, You are faithful even when the road ahead is unclear. Help me to follow You not because I see the whole picture, but because I trust You. Give me courage to take the next step in faith, knowing that You will lead me where I need to go. Amen.

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