Day 15
Genesis 29–30 | Mark 6:14–44 | Psalm 7
“While he was still speaking with them, Rachel came with her father’s sheep.” (Genesis 29:9)
Rachel’s arrival at the well wasn’t a coincidence. Like Rebekah before her, she appeared at just the right moment—a glimpse of God’s providence. These encounters at the well weren’t random events but carefully orchestrated by the God who weaves together every detail of His redemptive plan.
In Mark 6, we again see God’s perfect timing. Jesus, moved with compassion, meets the needs of the crowd—teaching them, healing their sick, and miraculously feeding over five thousand people. His arrival isn’t rushed or delayed. It’s precisely when they need Him most.
What strikes me in both passages is how easily we overlook God’s timing in our own lives. It’s far simpler to marvel at His work in hindsight than to trust His hand in the present. I know this firsthand. When my plans unravel or delays leave me restless, I’m tempted to take control, forcing solutions instead of waiting in faith. Yet these stories remind me: God’s not hurried by our anxieties, nor is He bound by our timelines. His timing is always perfect, even when we can’t see it.
Psalm 7 deepens this truth, declaring that God is our refuge and righteous judge. His delays aren’t indifference—they’re intentional. He’s working in ways beyond our comprehension, shaping events for His glory and our ultimate good.
Lord, help me to trust Your timing, even when it feels uncertain. Teach me to wait with faith and humility, confident that You are orchestrating every detail. Thank You for being the God who is never late, never early—always right on time. Amen.
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