The Heart of the Matter

Day 17

Genesis 33–34 | Mark 7:14–30 | Psalm 8

“And he said to them, ‘What comes out of a person is what defiles him.’” (Mark 7:20)

In Mark 7, Jesus dismantles the Pharisees’ focus on outward rituals. They thought holiness came from avoiding unclean foods or performing religious acts. But Jesus redirects their attention to the heart—sin doesn’t come from outside us. It flows from within. Our words, thoughts, and actions reveal the true condition of our hearts.

This truth cuts deeply for me. As a corporate communications executive, my job is to craft words that convey confidence, clarity, and direction and, more importantly , compel action. But I often wrestle with my own insecurities, especially now as my firm navigates an acquisition. It’s a tension I feel keenly: projecting assurance while my heart struggles with uncertainty. It’s a sobering reminder that outward appearances mean little if my heart isn’t aligned with God.

Genesis 33 shows us how God transforms hearts. Jacob’s humility and Esau’s forgiveness didn’t come naturally—it was God’s grace at work. Psalm 8 reminds me why this matters: the God who created the heavens and placed the stars cares deeply about my heart. He’s not content with surface-level change. He desires transformation from the inside out.

Lord, don’t let me settle for appearances. Transform my heart so that what flows from me reflects Your grace and truth. Teach me to trust You with my uncertainties and to live in awe of Your care for me. Amen.

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