Trusting God’s Sufficiency

Day 27

Exodus 3–4 | Mark 12:13–44 | Psalm 12

“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?’ He said, ‘I will be with you…’” (Exodus 3:11–12)

Moses’ question resonates with me deeply: “Who am I?” It’s a cry of inadequacy—the fear that what we have to offer isn’t enough. Standing before the burning bush, Moses sees only his weakness, but God points to His own sufficiency. “I will be with you” isn’t just a reassurance—it’s a call to trust in His power rather than our own limitations.

In Mark 12, Jesus highlights the widow’s offering. Two small coins—nearly invisible compared to the wealth of others—yet Jesus says her gift is the greatest. Why? Because she gave all she had, trusting that God would sustain her. Her faith reminds me that God isn’t looking for grand gestures—He’s looking for surrender, no matter how small or inadequate it may feel.

Today, I’m sitting under the weight of uncertainty. Just this morning, I learned that the company acquiring mine will begin notifying us in the coming weeks whether I have a job or not. The prognosis is far from promising. At the same time, I’m still recovering from my hand injury, uncertain of how this will shape my future. I feel like Moses—seeing only my weaknesses—and like the widow, holding out my meager offering, trusting God to use it as He wills.

Scripture reassures me that what I bring to the table isn’t what matters most. Moses was called to obedience, not perfection. The widow gave from her lack, not her abundance. God isn’t limited by what we can’t do—He works through our surrender to accomplish His purposes.

Psalm 12 reminds me why I can trust Him: “The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace.” His promises are true and unshakable. In the face of uncertainty, it’s His faithfulness—not my adequacy—that will carry me through.

Today, I don’t have all the answers. But I have this: the assurance that the same God who spoke to Moses, who noticed the widow, and who refines His words like silver, is present with me. His sufficiency fills every gap, and His grace meets me in my weakness.

Lord, when I feel like I don’t have enough, remind me that You are enough. Teach me to trust Your promises, even in the waiting. Help me surrender my fears, plans, and inadequacies, knowing that Your presence is all I need. Amen.

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